
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Update: No Inspiration, Shopping, Traveling, Saving Money, No-BuyMarch, Coupons.

I would just like to start by saying I am so sorry for not posting in about 2 weeks! It feels like its been years! LOL! #beautybloggerprobs . I haven't had very much inspiration lately and I've been super lazy. Like I said I am super sorry about that but I HATE forcing posts. Today Ive finally decided to start writing again and what a better time than to do an update post!

If you guys didn't know I went on a no buy February last month and it was torture! I think I am a little bit addicted to shopping. I felt a little bit inspiration less but good news! Yesterday I went shopping and I am going back to the mall tomorrow so comment down below if you love Hauls! I will NOT be doing no-buy March.

I am also starting to save money because I am planning on traveling to NY for IMATS which I will hopefully be attending and Los Angelus California this summer to just go somewhere new. There are a lot of items that i've wanted for a while and I am trying to save up for.  Another thing that goes hand-in-hand with saving money are coupons. I am starting to cut out coupons now so I can save money especially when I buy beauty products.

I hope you guys enjoyed this update! Are you guys planning on traveling or participating in no-buy March? Do you guys know of any good coupon sites? Please let me know down below!

Social Media 
Instagram: beautytimewithkiki
Luvocracy: beautytimewithkiki
Twitter: beautywithkiki
Pinterest:  beautywithkiki

xoxo, Kiki

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